What Time I am Afraid…(130)

I was scared of the dark for most of my childhood, and if im honest, im still not a huge fan of it. I’ve always had this crazy fear of being kidnapped at night. To this day, when I move to a new house I always check out my bedroom window and identify any obstacles a potential kidnapper would have to go through to get in my window. Of all of the places that I have lived, the ones with big shrubs in front of my window have been my favorites. I also hated to be babysat. I didn’t like anyone but mom or dad and would whine and cry for quite some time after they left me. I think because of these fears my parents had me memorize this verse early on:

“What time I am afraid, I will have confidence in and put my trust and reliance in You.” Psalm 56:3

I tell ya, my parents were pretty smart in choosing verses for me to memorize as a child. I actually had forgotten about that verse until recently. I remember I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling and the Lord brought that verse to my mind. I realized in that moment, that that verse isn’t just for a child that’s afraid of the dark.

That verse is for a child scared of starting a new school.

That is verse is for a teenager afraid of being made fun of for taking a stand for Christ.

That verse is for the senior in high-school who has no idea what the future may hold.

That verse is for the young parent afraid of ruining the life of their child.

That verse doesn’t have an age limit or special conditions that have to apply before we can put our trust in Christ. It simply says, When I’m afraid- I will trust you! So when fearful thoughts creep into your mind, remember that God is more than capable of giving us the strength to conquer that fear if we just trust Him!

Today’s Blessing:

I love the simple truths that can be found in Scripture. You don’t have to have a degree in theology to grasp these concepts!


Chocolate and Choices! (27)

I unpacked a box yesterday. No, we still don’t have a permanent place to live, but it was the box that contained my not-so-secret chocolate stash, so I decided that it was necessary to have with me. Anyways, I actually rather enjoyed unpacking that box; I found all of my CD’s, (most of which I’m giving away) a disc with some of my favorite preacher’s sermons, some other miscellaneous junk, and cards that people had sent me within the last month or two of being in Arkansas. In the midst of the stack of cards I also found the cards/letters that I had given to Rich (we returned everything we had given each other after we had to end our relationship) I knew that I had them in that box, but I guess I just wasn’t expecting it. At that moment I had a choice. I could start pouring over them, remembering the great times we had, and then get upset that that’s not continuing, or I could thank God for the experience, thank him for sustaining me through it, and then put those notes back in the basket and continue to unpack the box.

While I was sitting there, the alarm went off on my phone. What’s funny about this, is that I spent a good 2 minutes frantically trying to figure out why my computer was making a noise that sounded like it was about to explode. I reached in my purse to grab my phone to text someone about the extremely unpleasant sound coming from my computer, and when I did, I realized that I was an idiot. My phone was making the noise. I then remembered that I set that alarm to remind me to call an old friend about setting up a time to go have lunch and catch up a little bit.

After I made the phone call I sat back down on the couch and realized that I still hadn’t made the choice as to what I was going to do about the notes I had written Rich that sat in front of me. I looked at the folded top of each one, and that was more than enough for me to remember what each note contained. Then, being the klutzy person that I am, I dropped them. When I reached to pick them up, there was a little ring of index cards that my mom had given me before we moved at my feet. My intention at the time was to write verses on the cards for me to memorize. That led me to think of the list of verses that a friend gave me at the beginning of the situation with Rich. The ones that are posted in this blog post: http://https://blessingsinwaiting.wordpress.com/2013/11/06/gods-word-it-really-works-11/ .I picked up the ring of index cards and the notes I had given Rich and made the choice. If I read those notes, I most likely would get really upset and start dwelling on thoughts that would just make me miserable. So instead, I tucked them away in their temporary place, and decided that I was going to look up the list of verses and get them written on those cards. Well, I will be honest; I didn’t get the verses copied right away. After I finished getting the items from the box in their places, I sat back down and I couldn’t remember what I was going to do. But right before I went to bed (actually I was already in bed) I remembered. So I got up and started copying those verses. It was a very blessed time alone with my God. He is showing me daily new ways that He is control and His way is perfect.

If you’re looking for some verses to memorize or would just like to be reminded that our God is trustworthy and Sovereign, I highly recommend these verses. I know, that story may seem a little scatter brained and insignificant, but that’s real life. The small choices we make in day to day life, determine who we become. I’m so glad God gave me the strength to make the right choice.

Today’s Blessings:

1. Finding my chocolate stash.
2. The sweet cards people had sent me before I moved.
3. God’s Word that He used to show us more about Him.
4. The strength God gave me to make the right choice

God’s Word: It really works!! (11)

I am so very sorry that today’s ‘blessing’ is being posted so late. Today has been one of those days that you have all planned out in your head and then you get a phone call that screws a loop in all your plans. Anyways, this is not a blog for griping. I had received a text earlier this morning that had a bunch of verses that someone sent me to help me during this trial, and I was excited to look up all the verses and copy them onto a paper that I was going to carry with me. Then I was going to label some more moving boxes, write today’s blog post, and then work on a treat I’m making for my sweet youth group before I leave. But I just finished the treat and am just now starting on the blog. Needless to say, today has been crazy. But crazy doesn’t mean blessing-less. (that’s right, I just made up a word…)

On Sunday, one of my Sunday school teachers said something that I’ve been thinking a lot about. She said “Every time you spend time in God’s Word you should come out differently.” Every time? Really? Well why not? “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12. If God’s Word is really alive and active, and we are seeking to know God better, then there isn’t any reason we can’t be changed when we enter His presence through the Word. We certainly haven’t “arrived” yet. At least I haven’t. Maybe you have, if so please share your secret with the rest of us. There is plenty of room for more Christ-likeness in my life. If we aren’t being changed when we get in God’s Word we need to figure out what the problem is. Are we living in sin, so God can’t speak to us? Are we not slowing down when we get in the Word and paying attention to what we are reading? Are we not asking God to open His Word to us? Not every time you open the Bible are you going have this drastic transformation take place. Sometimes it’s just something small, like a wrong attitude or a lack of trust. But anytime that the Lord shows us something in our lives we should desire to change to become more like Christ.

At the very beginning, I mentioned a message I got a sweet friend this morning, reminding me of some Scriptures that I can claim to help fight off temptation and wrong thinking. In the midst of my crazy day, I did have time to look those verses up and copy them onto a piece of paper that I’m going to start carrying with me. And I used that paper today. When I started thinking wrong thoughts concerning Rich, my physically hurting body, and the move, I pulled out my piece of paper and read over those verses. And guess what? It helped tremendously!! That’s just how we know that God’s Word is alive and active!! It works! Just like God said it does!!Here are the verses she shared with me and maybe they can be an encouragement to you too!

Psalm 25:1-4
Psalm 37:3-5
Psalm 145:13-19
Psalm 27:13-14
Proverbs 3:5-6
Isaiah 26:3
Isaiah 42:16
2 Corinthians 5:7
2 Corinthians 10:5
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Hebrews 11:6

Today’s Blessing:
God’s Word is alive and active!! It really works!!
