God is love…? Pt 2 (89)

I had every intention of doing a “cop out” post this evening. I’m tired and got really cold at work today, so I was seriously considering posting a picture of a thought provoking quote and then curling up on the couch with my fuzzy red blanket and coffee do nothing. But I would like to expound on some thoughts from yesterday’s post.

My faithful follower, Roranicuspondicus1123 (has to be a Doctor Who fan :D), brought up a very good point from yesterday’s post. Here’s his comment:

“… God’s wrath and justice is out of love, isn’t it? Like, a parent disciplines their child out of love. So God still is love, just the tough AND sweet kind.”

He is spot on with this truth! I know that many people are not blessed to have two parents that love each other and love their kids. There has never been a day that I have worried that my parents had stopped loving me. It’s so obvious!

Believe it or not, I was one of those children that always had to have the last word. I enjoyed telling people what I thought and gave a running commentary to pretty much everything in life. When I was little my dad pastored a small church. I had a horrible time understanding why my daddy got to stand up and talk to people for 45 minutes and I had to be quiet the whole time. Probably over 75% of the swats I got as a child were for something I said. I would either talk at school when I wasn’t supposed to, or say something to one of my friends and hurt their feelings. I was usually being honest about it, they just didn’t want to hear what I had to say and I typically wasn’t a very tactful 8 year old. My parents had plenty of chances to practice disciplining me. I never remember a time when I was being disciplined that I doubted that they loved me. Every time I got a swat it ended with a hug. My parents made sure that I knew that they were only spanking me for my good and because that’s what God requires.

When my parents were disciplining me it was giving me a picture of when God tells me no or to wait. God doesn’t do those things because He’s mean or wants to see me cry myself to sleep at night. God does those things to shape me into the woman He wants me to be. My parents disciplined me so that I could grow up into a respectful, God loving woman. The punishment that God requires is out of love; however we don’t necessarily see the love until we see Jesus coming to earth to die and take away our sins! Whenever I think about this great love of our Father I get “God-bumps”. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I love meditating on the love of our Savior.

Today’s Blessing:

The love of the Father
