Wow!! Look At All Those Blessings!! (33)

Since today is Thanksgiving, and this blog is all about thankfulness and blessings, I thought I would take today and do a quick recap on all of the blessings that I have found in the last month and beyond.

1.My God works all things for my good and His glory.

2.God honors obedience.

3.God is my refuge!!

4.I can rest fully in my heavenly Daddy’s arms, that even though I’m bound to try to walk on my own like Peter did, that He is gonna be there for me to recommit everything back to Him and begin to look at Him confidently once again.

5.My God answers prayer!

6.My God answers prayer

7.My new little friend Backie

8.Whenever I screw up, and try to run my own life. Christ is still there patiently waiting for me to come back to Him, and He always accepts me back.

9.My Daddy and our wonderful relationship that we have!

10.The fact that I can rest and wait patiently in the arms of my Savior. I don’t have to try and run my life. He has it under control.

11.God is good! He is still on the throne and still in control!

12.God is trustworthy!!

13.I don’t have to gather strength or might on my own. God will give me the strength I need.

14.The trials I am going through now will bring glory and honor to God.

15.God’s Word is alive and active!! It really works!!

16.Each and every member of the youth group at Village Bible Church!

17.The great help we had moving

18.The few extra feet God provided!

19.God is worthy of all of my trust, my praise, and my life!

20.My back is better!

21.I got to see my grandma!

22.God’s Way is Perfect!

23.I don’t have to be in control. I can relax and let my Savior lead my heart!

24.The beautiful drive home today. God’s creation is beautiful!

25.Good friends that are honest and make me aware of my shortcomings.

26.A God that can give me true unspeakable joy!

27.The wonderful people that God has given me in TWO places! I get the privilege of loving them, and being loved by them!

28.A God that loved me when I was unlovable!

29.The people that have showed me love!

30.A God that will help me practice 1 Corinthians 13 love!

31.My parents and the love that they have for each other!

32.Finding my chocolate stash.

33.The sweet cards people had sent me before I moved.

34.God’s Word that He used to show us more about Him.

35.The strength God gave me to make the right choice.

36.I started back to work today! Well, not really. I just came in for a couple of hours to meet people and get acquainted with my new surroundings.

37.I started trying to learn to crochet last night. All I have to say is that it’s going to be an adventure. (and my parents keep laughing at me for talking to myself and the videos on Youtube…)

38.There is a house coming available within the next couple weeks. We haven’t toured it or anything, but it could be promising!!

39.Last but certainly not least, today is a very important day! Today is the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look it up! It’s only the best show EVER!!!

40.The many promises of God!

41.My salvation at an early age.

42.The simplicity of what Jesus did, so even the little ones can come to Him.

43.Because I am Christ’s child, I can choose Joy, and I can have Hope!

44.My ring as its many reminders.

45.The forgiveness of my God and my Daddy.

46.The victory that Christ is going to give me when I choose to think right!

47.God has it all figured out! I just have to let go and trust Him!

48.The time spent reconnecting with my sweet friend.

49.My God can calm storms!

50.The grace He gives when He doesn’t calm them instantly.

51.God forgave me!! Since He sent His Son, He doesnt see my sin anymore!! Life itself is a gift because of the sacrifice of Christ!!

Wow!! That’s a lot of good things God has given me! That’s absolutely incredible!! SO many blessings, and that’s just a start! That’s not counting all of my family and material blessings. So as we go into this Thanksgiving day, we can remember all of the wonderful things that God has given us. Maybe the “great deals” that some will be fighting over wont matter so much. Maybe we can show a little bit of kindness to the people in line in front of us, and behind us. If we don’t get one of the four TV’s that a store is offering, maybe it’s not such a big deal. We already have so many things we don’t deserve. One less “good deal” isn’t really going to make that big of a difference.

As the family descends upon the yummy food and chaos follows, take a step back to remember everything that we have to be thankful for.

Today’s Blessing:

Everything I have to be thankful for!
