What’s Missing (203)

I had an “hmm…that’s interesting…” moment today. I was thinking about all of the churches that we’ ve been visiting recently. I see babies, little kids, some teenagers, people in their 30’s, middle aged people, and senior citizens. In every church that I have visited there is one age group missing:

Older teenagers and college students.

In our church in Arkansas I didn’t really think much about it because there isn’t a college near very close by, and there were a few older teens and college students. Everywhere else that I have visited there have been absolutely no college aged students. Where I’m living now, there are several colleges around in the area so it’s not like there aren’t people that age nearby, but yet a very small percentage of them are going to church. That makes me so incredibly sad. As soon as the teenagers are allowed to make their own choice about church, they decide that a few extra hours of sleep are more important than spending time listening to what God has for you and fellowshipping with other believers. As a college aged student myself, I get the whole needing sleep thing. I get that getting up on Sunday to go to church might not be the first thing that you want to do, but it is the most important choice you will make all week long. “But I have to work.” If you’re working instead of going to church, can God bless your work? Even after God created, He rested!

More than anything, not seeing college aged students in church makes me very sad. My generation is not making God a priority. What is going to happen when my generation grows older and begins to raise families? Then there will no longer be children and middle aged people. If it continues to progress churches will be smaller and smaller.
The choice to stop the progression can start with you! Make the tough choice and get up and go to church. It might be awkward the first couple of times. No, I take that back, it probably will be awkward at first, but you’ll get through it. Find a nice family to sit with, or look for someone else that looks awkward too!
God will honor your choice to follow Him. Don’t let your insecurities or fears stop you from obeying God.

Today’s Blessings:

1.This verse that has been on my mind all day: “Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22

2.Parents that have raised me to value church going and have passed on a godly heritage.