Lightbulb (128)

I had a light-bulb moment today. Let me tell you about it.

When I received my college acceptance letter I was really more shocked than anything. I was excited, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not what I thought God was going to do. I couldn’t believe that that was God’s will. Since receiving the letter I have continued to be in shock. Because I prayed so specifically for God to be clear in this matter I knew that this was His answer but my heart had been growing attachments elsewhere. When I received the financial aid letter from the school that I really wanted to go to I discovered that that would a legitimate choice because I was able to get enough aid. So at that moment I had a choice. I could choose to go to the school that I had set my hopes on or go to the school that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt was the one that my God wanted me to attend. I was so certain that God was going to make it possible for me to attend a school in southern Arkansas. It was to be further away from Rich- I was going to minor in ministry. Those seemed to be good things right? I mean, there is nothing wrong from trying to put as many miles between Rich and I as possible, right? And a ministry related course of study? God cant hate that, right? No, I don’t believe He does hate those things, but that’s not his plan for me. He had it worked out for me to go to a school that is not secular but almost, and not have a ministry degree. I’ve really had a hard time wrapping my head around that thought. God would get the most glory if I went to a Christian School, right? That’s when the light bulb came on. I’ve grown up in a Christian home, gone to Christian School, and now it’s time for me to let my light shine in a new way and in a new environment.

If I’ve learned anything in my short life it’s been that God doesn’t change based on your geographical location. He is the same at every university whether it be in Arkansas or Michigan or somewhere in Africa. So I’m no longer surprised at His very specific answer to my prayer. As a matter of fact I’m really excited because I know that I am about to be in the very center of God’s will; As a child of God there is no better place than that. I am most certain that my beliefs are about to be challenged and I will be faced with decisions to follow God completely or let Him fall to the wayside. The choice to follow God completely is up to me. In order to avoid waking up one day to life filled with regret and ruin I must make daily choices to walk hand in hand with my Jesus and let Him change me daily.

Today’s Blessings:

  1. Finally coming to a peace about God’s decision.
  2. The fact that God never changes.


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