Our Good, His Glory (78)

Looking back, yesterday’s post kind of makes me chuckle. No, what it actually says isn’t funny, but just the fact that it is one sentence long and doesn’t include any pictures, or much of anything for that matter. But anyways….

For some dumb reason I haven’t slept well for the pasts few nights. This means that when I don’t go to work in the morning, I sleep (toss and turn) till around 10 am. If I go to work around noon, that doesn’t leave much time for blogging before I go to work, (seeing as I live 30 minutes from work). Most mornings, it’s a choice between looking like a presentable human being, or blogging. Ya’ll should feel special, because most of the time I choose blogging. Anyways, since I ran out of time to blog yesterday I had to post last night after I got home from work. My computer was out of battery and the cord was not easily accessible, so my only option was to post from my kindle fire. Call me old fashioned, but I absolutely hate my kindle for posting my blog. The WordPress app is great and all, but im not a fan of one finger typing. I had already put on my pajamas and was lying in bed deciding what to post. I starting thinking of all of the blessings that had happened that day. Then I decided to summarize all of them and put it in “blessing form”

“The way that our God orchestrates all circumstances for our good and His glory.”

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the goodness of God. I’ve been thinking about the different ways that God shows His goodness. Sometimes the way that God shows His goodness is obvious. Sometimes it’s not so obvious. Sometimes you look around and wonder what could possibly be good in the chaos that surrounds you.

I think I will just leave it at that for today. I know it seems like I’m kind of leaving you hanging. I don’t have a nice and neat concluding sentence or paragraph, but I promise I will expound on these thoughts more throughout the week. In the meantime, I wish you a marvelous Lord’s day filled with many blessings!

Today’s Blessings:

1.A great message at church.

2.The God we serve who is in control of all circumstances.

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